The Chechens: A Handbook
by Amjad Jaimoukha
(contributions by the distinguished literary figure JonArno Lawson)
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Book reviews, commendations & citations:
Albert, Craig Douglas, ‘Identity and Violence: Analyzing Ethnic Group Behavior in Conflict’, presented to Northeastern Political Science Association (APSA) 2008, [Panel: Ethnic Violence, Humanitarian Intervention and Human Rights, Department of Political Science, University of Connecticut,] Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, 28 August 2008. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 11 February 2009).
Bakke, K. M., ‘Separatist Struggles and Center-Region Relations in Chechnya, Punjab, and Québec’, paper presented at The Program on Order, Conflict, and Violence, Yale University, 5 March 2008. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 24 July 2008). [Citation]
Banner, Francine, ‘Uncivil Wars: “Suicide Bomber Identity” as a Product of Russo-Chechen Conflict’, in Religion, State & Society, vol. 34, no. 3, September 2006, pp 215-53. [Citation]
Bulur, Latife, ‘Chechnya: Human Rights Issues’, in Human Rights & Human Welfare: An International Review of Books and Other Publications, Review Digest: Human Rights & the War on Terror, 2007 Supplement S-4. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 23 July 2008). [Review]
Comins-Richmond, Walter, 'Review of The Chechens: A Handbook', in Slavic & East European Journal, vol. 50, no. 2, 2006, pp 374-6.
Directie Personenverkeer, Migratie- en Vreemdelingenzaken Afdeling Asiel- en Migratiezaken, Algemeen ambtsbericht noordelijke Kaukasus, April 2007. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 24 July 2008). [Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs’s Country Report on the North Caucasus]
George, Julie Alynn, Separatism or Federalism? Ethnic Conflict and Resolution in Russia and Georgia, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, August 2005. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 23 July 2008). [Citation]
Gould, Rebecca, ‘The Chechens: Against Resistance’, in Transitions Online, 25 April 2006. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 23 July 2008). [Commendation]
Norwegian Country of Origin Information Centre (The), Landinfo Temanotat: Russland: Ingusjetia, 1 November 2007. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 24 July 2008). [Citation]
— Landinfo Temanotat: Russland: Ingusjetia, 10 April 2008. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 24 July 2008). [Citation]
Prague Watchdog, ‘Select Bibliography of Chechnya-Related Works’, in Prague Watchdog (Reporting on the Conflict in the North Caucasus), 26 September 2007. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 23 July 2008). ['A comprehensive survey of the history, culture and religious traditions of the Chechen people, including an account of the short-lived Chechen film industry, the images of Chechens propagated by Russian and Western media, and a section of Chechen proverbs and sayings']
Sakwa, Richard, Chechnya: From Past to Future, Anthem Press, 2005. [Citation]
Slye, Sarah E., Why Does War Rage on in Chechnya?, MA Thesis, Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006. [Citation]
Suburban Emergency Management Project (SEMP), ‘Chechnya: Chaos of Human Geography in the North Caucasus, 484 BC-1957 AD’, in SEMP Biot Report, no. 479, 18 November 2007. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 24 July 2008). [Citation]
— ‘Crescendo to Beslan School Massacre, 1953-2004 in Chechnya’, in SEMP Biot Report, no. 480, 21 November 2007. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 24 July 2008). [Citation]
Wood, Tony, Chechnya: The Case for Independence, Verso, 2007. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 24 July 2008). ['The book contains much material that is rarely found in English-language works, and its chapters on Chechen culture are particularly valuable' – note 1, p12]

Table of Contents
List of illustrations | vii | |
Foreword |
ix | |
Acknowledgements |
xi | |
Introduction | 1 | |
1 | People and land | 12 |
2 | History from the earliest to the end of the eighteenth century A.D. | 23 |
3 | History from the Russian-Caucasian war to the Second World War | 40 |
4 | History from the deportation to the 'second' Chechen war | 58 |
5 | Politics and current affairs | 71 |
6 | Society | 83 |
7 | Economy | 96 |
8 | Religion and beliefs (JonArno Lawson contributed to this chapter) | 106 |
9 | Customs and traditions | 123 |
10 | Folklore | 140 |
11 | Arts, crafts and architecture | 159 |
12 | Music and dance | 176 |
13 | Language and linguistic policy | 194 |
14 | Literature (by JonArno Lawson) | 206 |
15 | Media and film | 218 |
16 | The diaspora | 229 |
Afterword | 239 | |
Proverbs and sayings (JonArno Lawson & Amjad Jaimoukha) | 241 | |
App. 1 | The Chechen tukhums and taips | 249 |
App. 2 | The Vainakh Pantheon | 252 |
App. 3 | Bibliographies and journals | 255 |
App. 4 | Nakh lexicography | 258 |
Notes | 260 | |
Bibliography | 275 | |
Index |
309 |